Want to serve: This is a true story of a sister that come hell or high water she was going
to marry a JW brother.
She lived a rough life before becoming a JW. She moved in the area DF, a very attractive sister.
The new congregation she was reinstated after one year, one year later she was DF she married a
17 year old she was 35, they divorced. The strange thing about this sister other males (worldly guys)
tried asking her out, but no way I must marry a brother.
She moved to another congregation after she was DF. After a year she was reinstated and once more after
a year or so she and a Elder was DF, he was married.
OK, what I don't understand she was so determine to marry a brother, no matter what the cost but she
could have married a worldly guy without the DFs. The dating pool is very small for women in the organization.
The last I heard the sister passed and still single and reinstated a few years before her death.
A sad story, she wanted to be happy instead she lived a lonely life...